Sociology of Sleep Health in the Rio Grande Valley

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Sohail Rao




It is estimated that 50 – 70 million Americans have sleep disorders and 1 in 3 (33%) of adults do not regularly get the recommended amount of uninterrupted sleep. Several factors contribute to this burgeoning healthcare crisis which has far-reaching consequences at the individual and societal levels. Residents in the Rio Grande Valley have been identified as the third most vulnerable population for the prevalence of cardiovascular disease in the country, with obesity being a major identifiable contributory factor. Factors that further augment this encumbrance include undiagnosed comorbid sleep disorders. Identifying unique socio-cultural challenges in this growing, vibrant population is vital to improve public health outcomes. Lack of accessible medical resources, high level of uninsured, poverty, and inadequate sleep health education makes this population extremely vulnerable to the sleep debt crisis with its intended negative outcomes.

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