Impact of Benzodiazepine Misuse on Adolescent Brain Development in Hispanic Youth on the Texas-Mexico Border: A Literature Review
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Benzodiazepine misuse, Hispanic Youth, Health Inequities, Social Determinants of Health, Adolescent brain development
This literature review explores the impact of benzodiazepine misuse on adolescent brain development, with a focus on Hispanic youth living along the Texas-Mexico border. This population faces unique challenges, including limited healthcare access, cultural influences on substance use, and heightened exposure to cross-border drug trafficking. Benzodiazepines, widely prescribed anxiolytics, pose significant risks to the developing adolescent brain due to their modulation of the GABAA receptor, critical for neurodevelopment. While existing research highlights the neurodevelopmental effects of benzodiazepines and the cultural factors influencing substance use among Hispanic youth, there is a notable gap in studies addressing this specific population and context. This review synthesizes current evidence, identifies critical research gaps, and emphasizes the need for culturally sensitive interventions to mitigate the neurodevelopmental and social impacts of benzodiazepine misuse in this vulnerable group.
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