Vaping and Respiratory Health: A Literature Review Focused on Hispanic Adolescents in the Rio Grande Valley

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Marisol Acosta


Vaping, E-Cigarettes, Respiratory Health , Hispanic Adolescents, Rio Grande Valley , Public Health , Adolescent Health , Asthma and Vaping , Secondhand Smoke Exposure, Sociocultural Factors, Health Disparities


The increasing prevalence of e-cigarette use among Hispanic adolescents in the Rio Grande Valley (RGV) presents a significant public health challenge, particularly concerning respiratory health outcomes. This literature review synthesizes existing research on the respiratory effects of vaping, with a focus on the unique sociocultural and socioeconomic factors influencing vaping behaviors in the RGV. Findings indicate a clear association between vaping and respiratory complications such as wheezing, coughing, and exacerbation of asthma, with potential long-term consequences that remain largely unknown. Additionally, the impact of secondhand exposure, marketing strategies targeting Hispanic youth, and socioeconomic disparities contribute to the complexity of vaping-related health risks in this region. Despite the growing concern, there is a lack of RGV-specific data to inform targeted interventions and policies. The review underscores the need for culturally sensitive research, longitudinal studies, and community-based interventions to mitigate vaping’s adverse effects and promote respiratory health among Hispanic adolescents in the RGV.

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